User Guide For Duke
Table of content
- Introduction
- Prerequisites
- Features
- Usage
todo [description]
- Adds a TODO task into Dukeevent [description] /[slash word] [yyyy-mm-dd]
- Adds an EVENT task into Dukedeadline [description] /[slash word] [yyyy-mm-dd]
- Adds a DEADLINE task into Dukelist
- List all the tasks stored by dukedelete [tasknumber in list]
- Delete a task in duke by the list’s task numberfind [keyword or sentence]
- Find a task based on the keyword or the sentence givendone [tasknumber in list]
- Mark a task as done in duke by the list’s task number- Other errors
- exit Duke
Hello from
____ _
| _ \ _ _| | _____
| | | | | | | |/ / _ \
| |_| | |_| | < __/
|____/ \__,_|_|\_\___|
Hello! I'm Duke
What can I do for you?
Duke is a personal chatbot that helps the user to store tasks such as todos, events and deadlines. Not only is it able to store tasks, Duke has the ability to find tasks and also to mark tasks as done. In addition, Duke can delete and remove any task that the user chooses. Duke also has the ability to save the list of tasks offline upon Duke exit and can load back the tasks again when Duke restarts.
When Duke starts, it loads the list of tasks from data\duke.txt
if it exist. Likewise, upon exit, it save the task
into data\duke.txt
Duke uses UTF-8 unicode characters, which some command prompt might not support.
- If your command prompt supports UTF-8 natively, to run duke, type this into command prompt
$ java -jar duke-0.2.jar
- If your command prompt does not support UTF-8 natively, you could try the following method (for windows user):
- Enter this command into command prompt:
$ chcp 65001
- Right click on the title bar of the command prompt and click on
- Under
, chooseNSimSun
(by default, Window’s command prompt font isConsolas
). -
After which, click
. The command prompt should look like this now: - Once this is done, run duke using this command in command prompt instead:
$ java -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -jar duke-0.2.jar
If all goes well, you should see this in command prompt:
Duke’s system requirements
- JDK 11
- Able to output unicode characters in command prompt
Add task
Adds a TODO, EVENT or a DEADLINE task
List task
List all the tasks that Duke have currently
Delete task
Delete a task by its task number
Find task
Find tasks that corresponds to the keywords used
Mark task as done
Mark a task as done
Exit Duke
Exit duke and save the task into an offline data file (in /data/duke.txt
todo [description]
- Adds a TODO task into Duke
Duke supports TODO tasks. In a TODO task, it contains:
- the
keyword - the task (the
) of the TODO task
Format: todo [description]
Example of usage:
todo eat noodles
Expected outcome:
(ノ´ヮ`)ノ *:゚
Got it. I've added this task: [T][✘] eat noodles
What else do you want to do?
Example of wrong usage (missing description):
Expected error outcome:
Exception occurred: duke.exception.MissingDescriptionException: Missing description!
What else do you want to do?
event [description] /[slash word] [yyyy-mm-dd]
- Adds an EVENT task into Duke
Duke supports EVENT tasks. In a EVENT task, it contains:
- the
keyword - the task (the
) of the EVENT task - the slash word (only accepted slash words are
) - the date (in the
Format: event [description] /[slash word] [yyyy-mm-dd]
Example of usage:
event meet friends /at 2020-12-12
Expected outcome:
(ノ´ヮ`)ノ *:゚
Got it. I've added this task: [E][✘] meet friends (at: Dec 12 2020)
What else do you want to do?
Example of usage:
event group project /on 2020-12-13
Expected outcome:
(ノ´ヮ`)ノ *:゚
Got it. I've added this task: [E][✘] group project (on: Dec 13 2020)
What else do you want to do?
Example of wrong usage (missing description):
Expected error outcome:
Exception occurred: duke.exception.MissingDescriptionException: Missing description!
What else do you want to do?
Example of wrong usage (missing slash word):
event sports meeting
event sports meeting /
event sports meeting / at
Expected error outcome:
Exception occurred: duke.exception.MissingSlashWordException: Missing slash word!
What else do you want to do?
Example of wrong usage (wrong slash word):
event sports meeting /through
event sports meeting /like 2012-01-01
Expected error outcome:
Exception occurred: duke.exception.WrongSlashWordException: Wrong slash word!
for EVENT: the slash word can only be 'at' or 'on'
for DEADLINE: the slash word can only be 'by'
What else do you want to do?
Example of wrong usage (missing date):
event sports meeting /on
Expected error outcome:
Exception occurred: duke.exception.MissingDateFieldException: Missing date!
What else do you want to do?
Example of wrong usage (wrong date format):
event sports meeting /on 12-12-1990
Expected error outcome:
Exception occurred: java.time.DateTimeException: Date cannot be parsed! Make sure the format is correct! Format: yyyy-mm-dd
What else do you want to do?
deadline [description] /[slash word] [yyyy-mm-dd]
- Adds a DEADLINE task into Duke
Duke supports DEADLINE tasks. In a DEADLINE task, it contains:
- the
keyword - the task (the
) of the DEADLINE task - the slash word (Only accepted slash word is
) - the date (in the
Format: deadline [description] /[slash word] [yyyy-mm-dd]
Example of usage:
deadline math homework /by 2020-12-12
Expected outcome:
(ノ´ヮ`)ノ *:゚
Got it. I've added this task: [D][✘] math homework (by: Dec 12 2020)
What else do you want to do?
Example of wrong usage (missing description):
Expected error outcome:
Exception occurred: duke.exception.MissingDescriptionException: Missing description!
What else do you want to do?
Example of wrong usage (missing slash word):
deadline Math homework
deadline Math homework /
deadline Math homework / by
Expected error outcome:
Exception occurred: duke.exception.MissingSlashWordException: Missing slash word!
What else do you want to do?
Example of wrong usage (wrong slash word):
deadline Math homework /in
deadline Math homework /because 1980-12-12
Expected error outcome:
Exception occurred: duke.exception.WrongSlashWordException: Wrong slash word!
for EVENT: the slash word can only be 'at' or 'on'
for DEADLINE: the slash word can only be 'by'
What else do you want to do?
Example of wrong usage (missing date):
deadline Math homework /by
Expected error outcome:
Exception occurred: duke.exception.MissingDateFieldException: Missing date!
What else do you want to do?
Example of wrong usage (wrong date format):
deadline Math homework /by 12-12-1990
Expected error outcome:
Exception occurred: java.time.DateTimeException: Date cannot be parsed! Make sure the format is correct! Format: yyyy-mm-dd
What else do you want to do?
- List all the tasks stored by duke
If there is any task stored in Duke, it will display all of them. However, if there is no tasks present, it will report that there is no tasks present
Format: list
Example of usage:
Expected outcome if there are tasks:
Here is the list of tasks:
1. [T][✓] make list
2. [D][✓] english homework (by: Nov 14 2020)
3. [T][✓] go polyclinic
4. [T][✘] go visit friends
5. [E][✘] group project (at: Sep 14 2020)
6. [E][✘] sports meeting (on: Nov 13 2019)
7. [T][✘] buy chocolate
What else do you want to do?
Expected outcome if there isn’t any tasks:
(; ̄Д ̄)
Nothing yet
What else do you want to do?
delete [tasknumber in list]
- Delete a task in duke by the list’s task number
Duke supports the deletion of tasks by its task number in the list. The delete
command contains:
- the
keyword - the task number (as seen in the list) of task to be deleted
Format: delete [tasknumber in list]
Given this list:
1. [T][✓] make list
2. [D][✓] english homework (by: Nov 14 2020)
3. [T][✓] go polyclinic
4. [T][✘] go visit friends
5. [E][✘] group project (at: Sep 14 2020)
6. [E][✘] sports meeting (on: Nov 13 2019)
7. [T][✘] buy chocolate
Example of usage:
delete 3
Expected outcome:
\( ̄▽ ̄)/
Noted. I removed this task:
[T][✓] go polyclinic
Now you have 6 tasks in the list
What else do you want to do?
Example of wrong usage (no task number given):
Expected error outcome:
Exception occurred: duke.exception.MissingNumberFieldException: DELETE's number field is empty!
What else do you want to do?
Example of wrong usage (task number is not a number):
delete words
delete 3 dreams
Expected error outcome:
Exception occurred: java.lang.NumberFormatException: DELETE's number field does not contain a number!
What else do you want to do?
Example of wrong usage (task number chosen do not correspond to any task in the list due to being out of range):
delete 0
delete 10
(when there is < 10 tasks)delete -12
Expected error outcome:
Exception occurred: java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Task number chosen is out of range!
What else do you want to do?
find [keyword or sentence]
- Find a task based on the keyword or the sentence given
Duke supports finding tasks by a keyword or a sentence The find
command contains:
- the
keyword - the keyword or sentence used to search for the task
Format: find [keyword or sentence]
Given this list:
1. [T][✓] make list
2. [D][✓] english homework (by: Nov 14 2020)
3. [T][✓] go polyclinic
4. [T][✘] go visit friends
5. [E][✘] group project (at: Sep 14 2020)
6. [E][✘] sports meeting (on: Nov 13 2019)
7. [T][✘] buy chocolate
Example of usage:
find go
Expected outcome:
2 task found! Here are the matching tasks in your list:
[T][✓] go polyclinic
[T][✘] go visit friends
What else do you want to do?
Example of usage:
find english homework
Example outcome:
1 task found! Here are the matching tasks in your list:
[D][✓] english homework (by: Nov 14 2020)
What else do you want to do?
Example of usage:
find johnny
Expected outcome if keyword/sentence cannot be found:
╮( ̄ω ̄;)╭
This word/sentence is not found!
What else do you want to do?
Example of wrong usage (missing keyword):
Expected error outcome:
Exception occurred: duke.exception.MissingDescriptionException: Missing description!
What else do you want to do?
done [tasknumber in list]
- Mark a task as done in duke by the list’s task number
Duke supports marking of tasks as done by its task number in list. The done
command contains:
- the
keyword - the task number (as seen in the list) to be marked as done
Format: done [tasknumber in list]
Given this list:
1. [T][✓] make list
2. [D][✓] english homework (by: Nov 14 2020)
3. [T][✓] go polyclinic
4. [T][✘] go visit friends
5. [E][✘] group project (at: Sep 14 2020)
6. [E][✘] sports meeting (on: Nov 13 2019)
7. [T][✘] buy chocolate
Example of usage:
done 5
Expected outcome:
Nice! I marked this as done: [E][✓] group project (at: Sep 14 2020)
What else do you want to do?
Example of wrong usage (no task number given):
Expected error outcome:
Exception occurred: duke.exception.MissingNumberFieldException: DONE's number field is empty!
What else do you want to do?
Example of wrong usage (task number is not a number):
done words
done 3 dreams
Expected error outcome:
Exception occurred: java.lang.NumberFormatException: DONE's number field does not contain a number!
What else do you want to do?
Example of wrong usage (task number chosen do not correspond to any task in the list due to being out of range):
done 0
done 10
(when there is < 10 tasks)done -12
Expected error outcome:
Exception occurred: java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Task number chosen is out of range!
What else do you want to do?
Other errors
These are some other miscellaneous errors that may pop up:
Example of wrong usage (giving an empty input):
Expected error outcome:
Exception occurred: duke.exception.InvalidTaskException: Input is invalid. No such task
What else do you want to do?
Example of wrong usage (giving an invalid task):
Expected error outcome:
Exception occurred: duke.exception.InvalidTaskException: Input is invalid. No such task
What else do you want to do?
- exit Duke
When the command ‘bye’ is given, the list of tasks is saved as a txt document at data\duke.txt
Format: bye
Example of usage:
Expected outcome:
Bye! Hope to see you again soon! Maybe next time!